Colleges attended by Youth Programs alumni

Berea College, Kenyon College, UCLA, Bowling Green State University, Muskingum College, UNC Charlotte, Case Western Reserve University, Northern Kentucky University, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati State College, Ohio University, University of Dayton, Culinary Arts School, Reed College, University of Michigan, Howard University, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Wright State University, Indiana University, Stanford University, Xavier University, Kent State University, The Ohio State University, Kentucky State University and Tuskegee University.

Graduate from college and start a career

Career development does not end when students graduate from the programs. Each year, several alumni return to Museum Center to serve as Senior Mentors for Youth Programs. Senior Mentors assist Youth Programs professional staff during the summer. Their primary role is to interact with youth at the museum and to provide peer support for their presentations and demonstrations. In addition to returning to assist Youth Programs, several alumni have returned to Museum Center in other roles—from museum floor specialists and outreach presenters to museum coordinators and Youth Programs coordinators.

Alumni Spotlight!

Profile: Sara Stigler

Sara Stigler is a Youth Programs graduate who volunteered in the Museum of Natural History & Science from 1998-2003. After the program, she completed her undergraduate degree in biology and then went on to earn her master’s in health administration. Stigler is currently a medical student at the University of Cincinnati and a member of the Ohio National Guard.

What's your most memorable experience with Youth Programs?

"I was 12 when I started the Program, and we’ve done so many incredible things over the years. From staying overnight in the Museum, to caving, to training for new exhibits, it’s always been a blast. I can’t choose just one!"

What have you learned as a Youth Programs volunteer?

"I never thought about mentorship before joining the Youth Programs. But after having a mentor, I became one for the younger girls going through the Program. I’ve made some lifelong friends. It’s nice—we’re like a big family here."

Why is it important to give back?

"People who achieve their dreams should give back to others because no one becomes successful without a little help. I didn’t. I wouldn’t be in medical school if I didn’t have the help. I make it a point to return the favor to those who have served as mentors to me."

Profile: Joe Gray

I am a Youth Program graduate who volunteered in the Cincinnati History Museum from 2003-2008. After my time in the Youth Program, I graduated with my associate’s degree in journalism from Cincinnati State and my bachelor’s in art history and education from the University of Cincinnati. I am currently a Visual Arts Teacher for Cincinnati Public Schools.

What's your most memorable experience with Youth Programs?

During my last summer in the program, I was honored to attend the dinosaur dig over the summer at the Mother's Day dig site in Red Lodge, Montana. It was an absolute dream come true for me as someone with dreams of being a paleontologist as a kid and a lifelong fascination with dinosaurs. Getting to experience that with some great friends I met in the program made for a trip I'll remember for the rest of my life.

What have you learned as a Youth Programs volunteer?

Responsibility and an emerging love for educating. Working in costume on the Public Landing or at the Cabin provided a foundation that lead me to work in education.

Why is it important to give back?

We're here for a short time. Opportunities provided to us may not come along for everyone. Use what experiences life has given you to pay it forward. You never know what little acts may inspire the next person to pass along the grace, understanding and compassion you show them."

Youth, Youth Alumni and Youth Parent Testimonials

"Hello Calvin & Team,

We are writing to share some great news Kayla has gotten and thank you for your role in her success.

Kayla won the Science Fair at Walnut Hills ~2 months ago. This past Saturday, she presented her project at the Southwest Ohio Science and Engineering Expo. She received a Superior rating, advanced to the state level, won a scholarship for $1,000, and was nominated to participate in a separate national science expo, the Broadcom Masters.

If all of that weren't enough, she was invited onto Fox 19's Morning Show to do a live segment about her project and the overall expo. She went on this morning and did a spectacular job.

We sincerely believe that a great deal of her success is a direct result of her involvement with Youth Programs. Her confidence and ability to speak/present have advanced immensely in a short period of time and were a key strength in her project. We would like to thank you for all you do to help all of the Youth Program participants. You are truly making a huge difference."

– Matt Reidy, Parent of Kayla Reidy, Alumni

"Youth Programs is a wonderful opportunity to meet new people and grow as a person. Youth Programs has helped me become more accepting of others, helped me develop a professional demeanor, and learn public speaking skills. Youth Programs is one of the best experiences a teen could get in Cincinnati because you meet new people, become diverse, and develop professional relationships."

– Damien Thornton, Alumni

"I am enjoying my time at Youth Programs. It has changed given me the opportunity to be kind and serve other people as they come and go through the museum. YP has changed me to be more respectful, and more aware of my surroundings, the people I talk to, and to be kind to whom I interact with."

– Issac Wilson, Alumni

"The Cincinnati Museum Center is important to me because it inspires me to do something. Something to help create a future that can recall the past.

I have been going there since I was two. I can still remember how some of those volunteers would discuss their history with this historical landmark and Cincinnati.

Now that I am one of them, I intend to preserve this historic piece of art deco so that it too will inspire future generations to do great things.

I have learned how to better communicate with the people there is around me. It has given me the courage not to be shy, and it has empowered me to be a better person. One who cares about the future and remembers the successes and failures of the past."

– Ethan Howard, Alumni

"The Cincinnati Youth Program helped me be more open to different people that I do not know. I am now more known in my neighborhood because I am willing to carry a conversation with others. The program also helped me with giving customer service. When I first came to the program, I would let people walk past me. Now I will stop people and tell them information about the museum.

The trips are an incentive for me. I put forth more effort to get my grades up so I can be sure I can attend the trips. My experience with the program has given me a chance to learn more about myself. I have learned about what I like and what I don’t like but the most important thing is I am not afraid to try anymore. The team building activities helped me with getting along with other youth dealing with conflict and making sure I do my part for the team.

I’m still working on being more responsible, but the Youth Program is helping me with that too. After hours of volunteering, I am excited to become a paid youth one day. I have a lot to learn, but the Cincinnati Youth Program has got me off to a good start."

– Micah Maxberry, Alumni

"The Youth Program has been nothing but beneficial to me. Ever since I joined the program I have been introduced to many opportunities. I've learned many things by being in the program, the main thing being diversity. I now know how to talk to and are friends with people who are different from me, some being from a different background, nationality or even age. I often find myself using things I learned in the museum about customer service outside of the museum. I developed good work habits. I'm grateful for having an opportunity to be in a program like this where I have many positive people around me."

– Tijuana McCrary, Alumni

"I have greatly benefited from the Museum program. I have learned communication skills that I otherwise would not have if it were not for the Youth program. I have learned and am learning how to talk to groups of people and do so professionally and thinking on my feet. I have had to be resourceful and increase my knowledge in so many things I cannot begin to list them. I have learned ingenuity and how to educate 3-year-olds and 90-year-olds. I am relatively new to the program but in the months, I have been involved I have learned so much. I often feel awkward in social situations. I have gained confidence and am more at ease speaking to anyone about science especially. I also have never had a job, and I feel that this program will improve my chances of getting a job when I am in college, and I will need one! I have learned (and am still learning) how to manage my time and be responsible for exhibit instruction and exhibits entrance. I feel very lucky to have gotten into the Natural History Museum and the Youth Program. I hope I get into college and can continue to be involved in a museum wherever I live."

– Thomas Anaya, Alumni

"This is my first year in youth programs and I have already learned so much. I have learned many communication and leadership skills. I value this program so much that I travel over 100 miles round trip to attend. When I grow up, I would like to be a paleontologist and this experience will definitely help me."

– David Roach, Alumni

"Even though I had only been here since the past summer, I have really enjoyed the time I've spent. The trainings and trips were really interesting, for example, my museum, Cincinnati History, went to the Geier Center for training. It was a fantastic experience. My group stayed back for some extra time in a room and our tour guide displayed many of Edison's famous inventions, like the cylindrical recording device. He also showed us Civil War weapons like swords and radios from different times of war. It was like bringing slices of history from Cincinnati's and our country's pasts. For this great experience, the ones before, the ones after and the ones that will be, I thank the CMC coordinators, my friendly mentors and those who are senior to me, and also my wonderful friends who are with me in the program."

– Devi Namboodiri, Alumni

"First, I want to say Thank You for making this opportunity possible to the children. In just a short time I see a difference in my child’s confidence level. The numerous events to par take in has been amazing. I look forward to this continued volunteer opportunity for my child. Have a great year!"

– Meegan Johnson, Parent of current Youth

"I absolutely love this program, and it has benefited my daughter in so many ways; socially, responsibly and maturity. The experience she has gotten through this program she can take with her into adulthood. Thank you so much for everything."

– Angie Clark, Parent of current Youth

"Mr. Calvin is the best coach and advisor or youth who need to learn how to function in a work place. He is excellent at helping youth push to take responsibility for their work and their own schedule. He helps them think freely and look at the big picture. Some kids may not appreciate what he is teaching at first, they may feel like they have been in trouble with the principal, but I can assure you that is not the case. I have put 8 students through the program with Mr. Calvin and I recommend the program to all of my friends with children are adopted, and each came with their own issues and needs while in the program. While in the program my children had great respect for Mr. Calvin and did not want to disappoint him. 7 of the kids are adults now and they often reflect on the teaching moments Mr. Calvin provided. One is an electrical engineer who wanted nothing to do with school until after the college trip. One is now a Starbucks manager who knows she got here because Mr. Calvin spent years teaching her responsibility and to keep on task when at work checking other worries at the door. She also manages in a Mr. Calvin sequel manor. Firm and serious but understanding and kind. Another is a medical massage therapist who runs her own business. One is a met fire fighter who was always late as a kid and often unprepared for museum shifts in the beginning, she now juggles shifts at three different departments on time and in uniform. One is an accountant and only went to college because of the college tour showing her what was available and wrote for her own scholarships with the programs help. One works for BMW, thrives in the diverse environment, and focuses on earning his way through the ranks. This boy was always charming and charismatic and got everything he wanted with a smile till he got to Mr. Calvin who saw through that routine and encouraged and complimented what he was good at but held him accountable for doing the right thing and the right steps, teaching him that the easy way is not always the right way and you want to do a job you can be proud of. The 7th had many issues, and Mr. Calvin made her work the hoops to stay in the program, but he also never gave up on her and that was a priceless lesson and now she knows her value and never gives up on herself but tries again. The two in the program now are the first two to have Miss Tala. They love working with her and the kids love her enthusiasm. Many kids in the program need her mom like help and encouragement. She does a wonderful job engaging the kids and has been a great addition to the youth programs. I cannot imagine the program without her as our youths world has changed so much since my first child was in the program and she is very good at interacting and making the kids learn as they go. I love working with both leaders as a parent and feel that they help me help my kids. That said, this new world of you can be anything, and I'm offended by everything could really use the understanding of diversity, culture, and individuality that Mr. Calvin and youth programs instills in kids as well as accountability and a good work ethic. Combined with Miss Talias, led by example and compassion youth programs is a super program that helps kids become I dependent, compassionate, dedicated, responsible members of society. Our world needs more youth programs and more amazing adult team leaders like Mr. Calvin."

– Holly Novak, Parent of many Alumni

"Mr. Calvin’s commitment to welcoming and growing young people from all occupations sets the tone of acceptance and support that resonate through the entire program. Mr. Calvin is, as the kids say, a real one. Mestalla’s energy enlivens program. Ms. Tala’s own experience in youth programs enables her to connect with the youth and help them find their own place within the program. I cannot express how beneficial this program has been for all 4 of my kids, in unique and profound ways for each."

– Liz Wright, Parent of three Alumni and one current Youth


For more information, please contact Youth Programs at

Youth Programs was financially assisted by the Stillson Foundation, Fifth Third Bank, Trustee
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